Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sermon May 3 2015
Acts 8:26-40
Psalm 22:25-31
1 John 4:7-21
John 15:1-8
“Nourished by Love”

The past several days, couple of weeks have been trying ones in this world where we live. We see, in the midst of natural disaster and the pain of national protest over racial injustice, that we are connected to one another in ways we cannot deny. We bear one another’s pain because we are one human family: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and people of many other faiths large and small. We are all connected to one another every day and at times, when large disaster and painful situations arises we realize what that connection means--and how deeply we are connected. We are reminded that at rock bottom we are made in the image of God, all of us, everywhere.

7Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. (1 John 4)

On April 19, a young black man named Freddy Gray in Baltimore, Maryland died 7 days after his spinal cord was severed while he was in police custody. The 6 police officers involved have been charged in connection with his death. People, many clergy, have been in the streets calling for justice because of this and other incidents of injustice and police violence, but also because of the extreme levels of unemployment among the black population there and extreme poverty among the black community in Baltimore. The recent examples of police violence are not and cannot be separated from the desperate situations in which some folks, especially people of color, find themselves living.

And last Saturday, an enormous earthquake hit Nepal. As of Thursday, when I checked, More than 7,000 people are dead. Many more are injured and homeless. Eight million are affected across Nepal. One million children are urgently in need of help. Most of those who are known to be dead are in Katmandu, but there are still extremely isolated villages closer to the epicenter of the quake where rescuers have not yet been able to go. There are bright, isolated moments. A four month old baby boy was rescued after 22 hours lost in debris. But many are homeless refugees of the disaster or are afraid to enter their homes because of the continuing quakes and landslides caused by the quakes.

21The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also. (1 John 4)

In both of these situations, and in many situations all kinds of people have come together to work for good for those involved.

Besides the story about the rescued infant, I read one brief story of Turkish and Chinese rescue workers who freed a 21 year old man from a crushed bus after 13 hours of work. Rescue workers from around the world are traveling there because after an earthquake there is not shelter, no water, and often no roads to travel to get resources to places in need. But people are working together to help, people who probably can’t agree on anything else agree to rescue the injured, feed the hungry, house the refugees, and provide whatever is needed as the earth itself is unstable right. Often these situations bring out the best in humanity because we know our priorities in these moments.

In spite of  the stories on many network news shows, there are thousands in Baltimore protecting police officers, protecting places where people are receiving help, while protesting against the injustices they have witness or experienced. A small fraction of people are violent—and all are justifiably angry—but thousands more are just desperate for change in their city and the wider culture. They are asking us—Americans everywhere—there and in places like Ferguson, Missouri to listen to the stories and really hear them. One “protester laid into [one notorious correspondent] about the national media's obsession with black rioting and criticized him for ignoring stories about Baltimore's poverty, and nonviolent protests which had also taken place in the city. ‘You're here for the black riots that happened,’ said the man. ‘You're not here for the death of Freddie Gray.’” He continued, "Why does it take a catastrophe like this in order for America to hear our cry? I mean, enough is enough. We've had too many lives lost at the hands of police officers. Enough is enough."[1]

The protester's blunt analysis of the situation mirrored what others have said about a media obsessed with covering rioters and ignoring the city's largely peaceful demonstrators. [One Baltimore councilman] urged reporters . . .  to focus on larger issues plaguing the city as the underlying causes which led to the death of Freddie Gray and the riots.” He specified, “This is about the social economics of poor, urban America.” This is “a symptom of something that’s going on here . . . look at communities like this in urban America, lack of education, lack of commercial development lack of opportunities. . . . This can erupt anywhere in socially economically deprived America.” 

The thousands who came out to protest were not the ones destroying the city—the protesters were the ones standing together, praying together, protecting one another from the police, if necessary, and protecting the police from the ones who were violent. Many African Americans were handing out water and other necessities to police as well as the people gathered in protest. This is their home. They don’t want to destroy it.

Members of notorious gangs, the names of which bring fear and hatreds to many hearts and minds, came together in a truce to protect stores from being looted. Well, not a truce, they said, but men respecting one another as men to protect their communities from further destruction. The gang members took water to the police as they guarded stores and homes. The police officer brought food and water to them, too, as they worked for their communities. (The Nightly Show, April 30 2015http://www.cc.com/full-episodes/0tkj27/the-nightly-show-april-30--2015---baltimore-gang-truce---gay-marriage-fears-season-1-ep-01051 

5I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. 6Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. (John 15)

The gang members spoke of people being pushed into corners until they finally had to push back for their very lives. And when they pushed back, with shouts and marches for justice, with protests against so many deaths at the hands of authorities, people outside their situation began to wonder at the extent of their anger. But their anger, and our anger, if we have understanding, is at a system that values one kind of community over others. In this case, white affluence over black poverty. Or white affluence and success over the despair within many communities of color. 

21bthose who love God must love their brothers and sisters also. 
(1 John 4)

Different human communities do not exist in isolation from one another, no matter how hard we’ve tried to do this, say this, and enforce this in our history. What happens to one group of people has tremendous influence on all other groups of people—we know it because we talk about it from various perspectives every day. When we’re feeling drained by the needs of others, we sometimes wonder why they (whoever they are today) don’t take better care of themselves, their needs, wants and desires—so I or don’t have to. Or, if we’re feeling the pinch ourselves, we think or feel that the real or perceived abundance of another and lack of generosity or caring contributes to what we don’t have. And both of those situation contain pieces of truth—but almost nothing is worse than an incomplete truth. Because we stand and defend some incomplete truths with our lives and the lives of those we call enemy.

1I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower. (John 15)

The truth is—as Jesus said in John’s gospel that all of us are part of the vine that is one body of Christ. And any of us who do not bear fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) need pruning. We need correction and connection to the one who nourishes us. As Christians, we have found that we cannot love without the strength we find connected to the vine—to one another, to Christ, to God. When we aren't bearing fruit, we are isolated, unconnected, rejecting what we are offered. We are dry, barren and might as well burn for all the good we are doing. We are branches with a choice to make—are we connected to the one who teaches us love or to what are we connected? By what are we nourished? Do we listen to the reasons the news media give us for the anger of the black community or do we listen to the black community, to all communities of color and hear about the anger, the pain, the sorrow, the terror directly and authentically? Do we listen to our brothers and sisters in Christ with love in our hearts? By what are we nourished, inclusion and connection or isolation and exclusion?

It’s not only Christians who are connected, who are loved, because we can also hear the words this morning’s epistle lesson, “because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God,” and “10In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us.” And “21The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.”

In the stories from Nepal, it is sometimes easier to see and express the love, the mercy and compassion that people have for one another in the ways that we respond to people who are victims of natural disaster. When the situations become complicated, like in Ferguson, like in Baltimore with human fallibility and the complications of historical and communal sins like racism, we struggle to respond graciously and with love. We struggle to understand the economic history in places like Baltimore where the city council purposefully segregated their city by race after the Civil War and those historical practices still effect the generations of black men, women and children who live there. Not that Baltimore is alone, but they are a fresh example. We struggle to understand, because police officers are often put into situations where health care professionals, social workers, councilors, and others would be more appropriate, but the burden has been placed on law enforcement because there isn’t enough money in budgets for what is needed.

And though not every person in these situations claims Christian faith, Christians are still called upon to work in love, to respond in love, to reach out in love because we are connected to the vine—the body of Christ—and because God fist loved us, all of us, all of them, everywhere. As part of the vine of Jesus Christ, we may need to be pruned of that which keeps us from bear the fruit the Spirit gives us—that fruit characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—so that we can exist in this world surrounded by love rather than fear. We can live, as we are connected to the true vine, nourished by loving community in Christ and bearing fruit as his followers. We may not be big branches—that’s not what Jesus says—but we are all to bear the fruit of our connection to him. To love even when we don’t completely know how—because who really does. To do justice and stand for justice—when people are treated as subservient to systems and other groups of people. To see what is within us that does not bear fruit and allow God to prune it from our lives.

8My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. (John 15)

In this life, may we be nourished by love for God is love, so let us love God, remembering that if we are loving God we must love one another. Amen.